It's been ten days since I started my blog but am running a bit short of time and the same was the reason that I wasn't able to make a single post in the past 8 days. But I am sure I would not let that happen again. Writing was always been near to my heart. Whenever I was free, I took up my pen and wrote anything that came out of this crazy head. It just relaxed me and relieved any sort of tension in my mind. Once the pen is at its flow, I just let the feelings out. It's a great way to utilize your time in an efficient way. Everybody who is famous due to their pen, from dickens to chetan bhagat, all must have started like this. It’s just that they made it their passion and then things just happened. Or was it luck? Do you believe in Luck? I don’t. I think we write our fate with our own hands, with our own deeds, and with our own way of approaching the life. If we want to do something, we must do it ourselves. If Sachin tendulkar or Bill gates would have just sat on their crouches and have waited for fate to play the game, they would have been nowhere near to what they are today.
If Dhirubhai would have just kept talking about his BIG dreams or just kept saying inspirational words, nobody would have noticed him, and probably, he would have just hold a position in A.Besse till the end. You just can’t rely on destiny to do everything for you. Remember the famous saying, “God helps those, who help themselves”. It is important to dream, but also, it is equally important to take concrete steps to make your dream come true, as must have been done by all who are successful today. Take time to think about plans on what to do, and accordingly chase that utmost desire of yours. Happy Dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Running Out Of Time..........